A study by the research group led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu (刘晓为) and Dr. Yang Huang (黄样) from the South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) at Yunnan University reports the discovery of a new Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) in the outskirt of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), using data from the LAMOST spectroscopic surveys, from the Xinglong NAOC 2.16m and Lijiang YNAO 2.4 m optical telescopes, as well as archival data. The finding has been accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journal Letters (Huang et al., 2019, ApJL, 884, 7).
LBVs are hot, unstable, massive (> 25 – 30 solar mass) and extremely luminous (10^5 – 10^7 solar luminosity) evolved stars in the upper left parts of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. During the LBV phase, massive stars undergo episodes of eruptive mass-loss, accompanied by spectacular photometric and spectral variabilities, on timescales of years to decades or longer. The origin of the eruptions is not yet well understood, partly due to the limited number of confirmed LBVs and the rareness of the eruptions. From the quiescence to the outburst (or eruptive) stage, the brightness of an LBV increases by 1 – 2 mag in the visual band and the spectrum type changes from O/early-B to A/F.
At present, the LBV is either considered as a transition phase between the main sequence massive stars and the Wolf-Rayet stars or is an intermediate precursor of a supernova. More recently, some studies show evidence propose that LBVs could be evolved blue stragglers, i.e. the products of binary evolution, although this is still hot debated. Discovery of new LBVs is therefore of vital importance for understanding the origin of the eruptions and the role LBVs play in stellar evolution.
Currently, only six LBVs are identified and all of them are located in the spiral arms or star forming rings of the M31 disk (see Fig. 1). Using the optical light curve, the multi-epoch spectra and the near-infrared color-color diagram, we have identified the seventh LBV of M31. More interestingly, this new LBV is located near the south-western corner of M31 with an unexpectedly large projection distance of 22 kpc from the center. Follow-up observations of this special LBV and its environment may provide vital constraints on the evolutionary status of LBVs.