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PhD Students
​Chuanjie Zheng (NAOC; 2018.09-present): Binary properties
(Co-supervised with Jifeng Liu) Paper 1
Ruifeng Shi (UCAS; 2023.09-present): MDF of stellar halo
Paper 1
Zhirui Li (NAOC; 2021.09-present): Trasients & close binary using SiTian
(Co-supervised with Jifeng Liu)
Yongkang Sun (NAOC; 2022.09-present): CVs
(Co-supervised with Jifeng Liu)
Qikang Feng (PKU; 2022.09-present): Disk and halo of the Milky Way
(Co-supervised with Huawei Zhang) Paper 1
Huiling Chen (PKU; 2022.09-present): HRS of VMP/EMP stars
(Co-supervised with Huawei Zhang) Paper 1
Haozhu Fu (PKU; 2023.09-present): Searching for HVSs
(Co-supervised with Huawei Zhang)
Hao Wu (PKU; 2023.09-present): M31 supergiants
(Co-supervised with Huawei Zhang)
Shenglan Sun (PKU; 2023.09-present): Substructures of Galactic stellar halo
(Co-supervised with Huawei Zhang)
Guiting Tian (UCAS; 2024.09-present): MW disk structure
Master Students
Bowen Zhang (NAOC; 2022.09-present): Stellar parameters of Kepler fields
(Co-supervised with Jifeng Liu/Lei Jia) -
Shunxuan He (NAOC; 2022.09-present): Pulsation stars
(Co-supervised with Hong Wu/Zhou Fan)
Zheng Yang (UCAS; 2023.09-present): TDE and related
(Co-supervised with Yanan Wang)
Shuyuan Wei (UCAS; 2024.09-present): TDE and related
(Co-supervised with Yanan Wang)
Graduated Students
Yangwei Zhang (YNU; 2016.09-2021.12): PhD degree; now postdocs at YNU
(Co-supervised with Jinming Bai) Paper 1; Paper 2; Paper 3 -
Yuan Zhou (YNU; 2018.09-2021.06): Master degree; now Physics Teacher at High School
(Co-supervised with Xiaowei Liu) Paper 1
Xinyi Li (YNU; 2017.09-2022.06): PhD degree; now Faculty at Qilu Normal University
(Co-supervised with Xiaowei Liu) Paper 1; Paper 2; Paper 3
Weixiang Sun (YNU; 2017.09-2022.06): PhD degree; now postdocs at BNU
(Co-supervised with Xiaowei Liu) Paper 1; Paper 2
Qingzheng Li (YNU; 2017.09-2023.12): PhD degree; public servant at Wenshan City, YN
(Co-supervised with Xiaobo Dong) Paper 1; Paper 2; Paper 3
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